Monday, March 06, 2006

WR06: Driven Day 2

Much more happened on this day. The guys won the broomball and dodgeball tournament oh yeah! The services were awesome. Actually, one of the services was spliting up into small groups. You could got to two. We went to the Revolution one first. Then we went to one that was about relationships. That one was funny :D Then, Mike, Brooke, Kari, Natalie, and I made a snow sculpture. Then there was service. Awesome, funny, powerful, and calm all at once. It was cool. Then there was the stuff after service. That will be a different post... As always, you'd have to be there. But here are some pictures to give you an idea...

Nuff said.

(I think this goes without saying, but if you can't see the picture very well, just click on it and you'll get the full sized image :D)

Oh, and I lied. The better picture of Phil Zarns (the speaker) will be next post...

tootles! :)


Jilb said...

Ah, the fun of snow!


See ya in a few weeks!

[ brooke ] said...

And we didn't even win. Communism.